Monday 5 August 2019

Thinking activity

Thinking activity 

Worksheet: Dr. Faustus: A Play by Christopher Marlowe

(1) The play directed by Matthew Dunster for Globe theatre ends with this scene (see the image of Lucifer). What does it signify?

Last Scene: Lucifer with wide wings
 Last & final laughter of Lucifer at the end of the play signifies that its not always conditional that good spirit or to  whom we consider God always wins, devil spirit has also power to rule over the world. We have myth that God always wins over the evil but this image is deconstruction of that ancient proverb that evil can also win.To Whom has much power, will win. In present time, there is no need of classification for good & evil or God & devil. Though devil spirit has darker side it can be win or rule over. Here we can also connect example of our political system as its all depends upon people's choice and evil spirit or bad can also win because of wrong choice of people which can harm the society. One has choice to do, whatever he/she wants to do. Such things set examples, as today in society there is no centralize portion that everyone should live as one life.

Who has power, ultimately wins!  In short, our power, our knowledge & out deeds are our wings!

(2) Is God present in the play? If yes, where and how? If No, why?

Doctor Faustus is a play Wavering between exhilaration and despondency, fantacy of dream and conflict of spiritual crisis. There is also conflict between good v/s evil spirit where Faustus became victim of his own illusion and Lucifer(devil spirit) wins.

From the both side it can be discussed in the play. If there is devil spirit is present then it means that good is already there. Then & then we can classify or devide evil spirit or good spirit to which we consider as Divine spirit or God. It also shows that God has separated Lucifer from the heaven means heaven is already there. So it is clear indication in the play that God refused to Lucifer to stay in the heaven then Lucifer has created the hell means heaven is  there and existence of some devine  energy or God is already there. Coming on the discussion of old man that is also spirit of faith, having mercy - people needs! Great German Scholar, has frightened only with though of physical pain, when Lucifer comes to him after 24 years. There is fear also that what happens after death. This gives proclamation and profound idea. God is an underlying acceptedpresence in the play because it is His will, ultimately, that damns Faustus to Hell.Faustus signs away his soul in accordance with the agreement with Mephistopheles, but God, as Prime Mover of the Universe needs do no more than stay in the background.

On the other hand,  if there is existents of God then why Faustus is not saved and Lucifer wins? Here, rather than existance of God, Karmic philosophy is existed. All depends on our deeds it come back to us and return to us, and if we wait for God, God will also says that you have two hands, two lags and intellectual liberty so, use it! 

(3) What reading and interpretation can be given to this image (see the image of Daedalus and Icarus) with reference to central theme of the play Dr. Faustus?

Father Daedalus and Son Icarus
This paintaing covers the myth of Icarus and Daedalus. This evokes the fall to ocean ,of Icarus because of his pride of flying. It can be also seen in the context with Christopher Marlow's tragedy - Dr.Faustus. It can be seen as Lucifer's fall from heaven. On the other hand, it can be also seen as Faustus's fall because of his excessive pride in his knowledge, highly successful yet satisfied. 

We can compare character of "Trishanku" with Daedalus. As Daedalus' myth ends withThe story of Trishanku is told in the Bala Kanda portion of the Valmiki Ramayana. Myth of "Icarus & Daedalus' ends with saying that he still flies in the air just as Trishanku was stuck in air neither in heaven nor in earth. (Yet there is another belief is also that Vishwamitra had created second heaven for Trishanku but as there is no concept of  second heaven). Trishanku is a character in Hindu mythology. Trishanku is commonly referred to through mention of "Trishanku's heaven".

(4) How do you interpret this painting?
In this image we can apply theory of deconstruction that there is no need to centralize the one person. That is his choice he follows and comes to his fall. There is also symbol of ship and shepherd is thinking also symbolises shipple mentality. If we compare, first image is constructed with the idea of having a myth construction that when it falls down it surely affect to us. But here, it cannot be affect anybody as chance & choice both together are there.Though there is a chance, it depends. On the other hand, there is still, old man is doing something in the sea they even he does not even looks there. He doesn't care that people is dying or anything. Biggest irony is that shepherd is thinking but what? He is just like trying thinking but about what! Here we can connect Yank's thinking position in Hairy Ape and we can also recall Rodin thinker. Shepherd is trying to think but what! One person is dying behind him and still he thinking. Where is the action? Overall symbol is vast and wide but here, though it is acceptence, it thrown out. This image also symbolizes blind followers which indicates journey without vision.It is very difficult to determine whether he is guiding the cart and the animal or the animal is guiding him!

In this modern time, this painting proves one gujarati proverb true that 'પૂજે જનો સૌ ઉગતા રવિને.'

For not centralizing the one, here we can connect that though we know about Trishanku, Icarus, or tragic down fall of some of some devil spirit also, at which level it affects us? Nobody cares! So in society you don't have need of centralizing such portion.  

(5) Read this article by Bhagat Singh, In light of the arguments made by Bhagat Singh in this article, can you re-write last monologue of Doctor Faustus?

If Christopher Marlow had written this tragedy today, it would not have been a tragedy but a interesting and logical comedy.  In this meaningless world, mental shortcomings, a person can get everything he wants, he can do everything he wants,there is paradise if anyone can live any moment of their wish.  Then the Doctor Faustus enjoyed the life of this paradise on this earth for 24 years. Why he grow up the hope for heaven now!

To read scene of Helen and last monologue of the play Doctor Faustus click here.

(6) Summarise articles discussed in the class:

(1)Abstract to the article MARLOWE AND GOD: THE TRAGIC THEOLOGY OF DR. FAUSTUS by Robert Ornstein

Allegorical sequence, reflection of Marlow's life conflict, Marlow's lacking, lacking of dramatic design or rationalism and limitation of imagination, Spiritual crisis, Wavering between, exhilaration and despondency, Fantacy of dream, not scholar play in present time, Victim of his own illusion, etheism v/s theism, not how to die but why men must die?

Marlow's moralism is orthodox moralism. It has fortitude - jejune - not mature . He doesn't deals with fiery passion.we can find Marlow's own life conflict in the play, his life and works are different but not completely unrelated.Though Faustus rejects Christianity, he cannot escape. Moreover, some magical arts did not seem magical yet unique philosophical contribution to Renaissance. It question about atheism that is atheism circumstantial and can not be seen today as scholar play. It gives inevitable reaction as intellectual rebel and prophet. All renaissance humanist  and all philosophy Is process of learning 'how to die?'while Marlow's philosophy's heart is 'Why men must die?' Play has also not cleary shown neither present of God nor absent of God. That's why, Marlow' s philosophy is felt, not argued, It is poetic and not intellectual.

(2)Abstract to the article MYTH, PSYCHOLOGY, AND MARLOWE'S DOCTOR FAUSTUS by Kenneth L. Golden 

Conflict within psyche, Fulfills meaning of, death in christianity, psychology of archetype, lacking of self confidence, archetype of the anima, Goethe's positive end of Faust could not possible in Marlow, Psychological naunce Modernity & mythical mindset

✍️ Abstract:
Irving Ribner comments, the play "is a protest" against "the religious system it portrays." It portrays double thinking- modern mass mind.
C.C.Jung's psychology of archetype helps to understand faustus's psychological situation, connflict within psyche. Confusion of attitude which indicates importance to the Faustian psychology. As yet he rejects norms of christianity , he can not escape from it. Though he is man of knowledge, manipulative power
Victim of  a spliiting of the will, lacking of self confidence. Emphasis on wavering of Faustus while on onne ness of Mephistophilis.
What kind of God would allow the devil so to trap and torture his creatures? "I do repent, and yet I do despair" , says Faustus. It can be seen that Mephistophelis' concept of heaven is lacking the spirit like satan in paradise lost. Emphasis on modernity and portrays limits of modernity with example of Atom. Attraction to mythical figure of Helen involves he archetype of the anima. Also emphasis on Faustus's limitation and individuality  and free will of  Mephistophilis. The positive ending of Goethe's Faust was not possible in Marlowe's time as marlow was much closer to springs of the disintegration of the Christian mythos, before positive alternatives beyond skepticism became possible.


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